Cutting Through the Noise in Nondestructive Testing™
EDD Awards AATA $500,000 to provide NDT Training for Veterans
The American Aerospace Technical Academy receives a Veterans’ Employment-Related Assistance Program (VEAP) grant to provide 10 weeks of Nondestructive Testing (NDT) training to Veterans
Los Angeles, CA, April 6, 2021 – The American Aerospace Technical Academy (AATA) is pleased to announce that the California Employment Development Department (EDD) has chosen their nonprofit organization to receive a $500,000 grant. Applicants went through a competitive selection process with only 11 organizations chosen throughout the state.
The grant recipients provide veterans with access to employment opportunities, while supplying high-growth industries with dedicated and highly skilled applicants for fields such as: additive manufacturing, construction, transportation, aerospace,
“These grants will help connect our veterans with services, training, skills assessment, and job placement across California,” said EDD Director Rita Saenz.
The AATA, established in 2015, has a long history of training Veterans since its inception and has formed partnerships with the US government to help transitioning Veterans use their skills in the lucrative career of NDT.
AATA has also been accredited by the US military COOL program. This lists AATA and NDT training though the career transition services. AATA is also recognized by the GI Bill and the Department of Labor.
“As a Veteran myself, I know how important it is to provide a clear pathway for Veterans to use their skills to not only gain employment but to be able to build a rewarding career,” said John Stewart, Founder and Executive Director of AATA. “At AATA we are providing our students with an education and experience to join a rapidly growing industry where hard work is directly connected to earning ability and where we keep the public safe.”
In addition to their work with the U.S. Military, AATA has the only US NDT DOL approved Apprenticeship program as well as a recently established Pre-Apprenticeship program for NDT. This program will introduce NDT, material science and industrial trades to individuals who have no previous experience. The goal of the pre-apprenticeship is to better prepare students for the industry and training and was made possible by a 2-year grant from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office to train 90 individuals at no cost.
To find out more about AATA’s programs or to donate to this 501c3 nonprofit, visit to learn more.
About The American Aerospace Technical Academy
AATA is a Los Angeles-based 501c3 nonprofit. AATA's mission is to bring high quality basic and advanced NDT training to the industry at a price that is affordable; so everyone especially veterans, women, minorities and disenfranchised individuals can take advantage of the great professional opportunities offered in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). AATA students receive Level I and Level II training in Radiography, Magnetic Particle, Penetrant, Ultrasonic Testing, UT Phased Array and Visual Testing, in addition to training in Computed Radiography and Radiation Safety with a foundation in NDT Math. The AATA was founded when John Stewart decided to dedicate himself full-time to helping economically disadvantaged people and veterans struggling with poor job prospects secure fulfilling careers in his field. Stewart believes that by addressing inadequate STEM opportunities, one could empower youth and returning military veterans to fill the shortage of NDT professionals nationwide.
John Stewart